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  • Refereed Journal Publications
    1. Z. Cheng, F.S. Lien, J.H. Zhang, G.X. Gu (2024), "Blind Zones in Radiating Dispersion at High Péclet Number Driven by Non-Newtonian Fluids in Porous Media ", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 986: A16. 2. S. Ryan, R. Ripley, F.S. Lien, F. Zhang (2023), "Accelerated Convergence for City-Scale Flow Fields Using Immersed Boundaries and Coupled Multigrid", Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 241:105541. 3. Y. Wu, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2023), "Nonlinear Analysis of the Flow-Induced Vibration of a Circular Cylinder with a Splitter-Plate Attachment", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 125: 107403. 4. Z. Cheng, F.S. Lien, E.H. Dowell, E. Yee (2023), "Triggering of Galloping in Structures at Low Reynolds Numbers", Journal of Fluids and Structures, 118: 103860. 5. M. Cann, R. McConkey, F.S. Lien, W. Melek, E. Yee (2023), "A Data-Driven Approach for Generating Vortex-Shedding Regime Maps for an Oscillating Cylinder", Energies, 16: 4440. 6. Z. Cheng, F.S. Lien, E. Dowell, E. Yee, R. Wang, J.H. Zhang (2023), "Critical Effect of Fore-Aft Tapering on Galloping Triggering for a Trapezoidal Body", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 967: A18. 7. F.S. Lien, H. Ji, S. Ryan, R.C. Ripley, F. Zhang (2023), "A Coupled Multigrid Solver with Wall Functions for Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flows over Urban-Like Obstacles", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 95: 1349-1371. 8. L. Gao, F.S. Lien, H. Chen, G. Chen, S. Yang, J. Deng (2023), "Backscattering Echo Intensity Characteristics of Laser in Soil Explosion Dust", Sensors, 23: 5638. 9. Y. Wu, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, G. Chen (2023), "Numerical Investigation of Flow-Induced Vibration for Cylinder-Plate Assembly at low Reynolds Number", Fluids, 8: 118. 10. Y. Wu, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, G. Chen (2023), "Flow-Induced Vibration of a Cylinder-Plate Assembly in Laminar Flow: Branching Behavior", Physics of Fluids, 35: 053612. 11. Z. Cheng, R. McConkey, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2023), "Numerical Investigation of Noise Suppression and Amplification in Forced Oscillations of Single and Tandem Cylinders in High Reynolds Number Turbulent Flows", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 117: 652-686. 12. Y. Wu, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, G. Chen (2023), "Flow-Induced Vibration of an Elliptic Cylinder with a Splitter-Plate Attachment at Low-Reynolds Number: Self-Limited Oscillations", Journal of Fluids and Structures, 122: 103985. 13. J. Wang, T. Fu, L. Zeng, F.S. Lien, G. Chen (2022), "Thermal-Hydraulic Performance in a Tube with Punched Delta Winglets Inserts in Turbulent Flow", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 172: 107326. 14. Y. Xing, F.S. Lien, W. Melek, E. Yee (2022), "A Multi-Hour Ahead Wind Power Forecasting System Based on a WRF-TOPSIS-ANFIS Model", Energies, 15: 5472. 15. Z. Cheng, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, G. Chen (2022), "Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Circular Cylinder with Nonlinear Restoring Forces at Low-Reynolds Number", Ocean Engineering, 266: 113197. 16. J.H. Zhang, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2022), "Investigations of Vertical-Axis-Wind-Turbine Group Synergy Using an Actuator Line Model", Energies, 15: 6211. 17. G. Chen, C. Fu, B. Xu, Y. Wu, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2022), "Internal Mixing Air-Assisted Spray Nozzle for Large Droplets: Experimental Measurements and Numerical Simulations", Journal of Aerosol Science, 165: 106035. 18. J. Wang, T. Fu, L. Zeng, F.S. Lien, H. Wang, X. Deng (2022), "A Comparative Study on Thermo-Hydraulic Performance in a Tube with Different Punched Winglets", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 181: 107772. 19. Y. Wu, Z. Cheng, R. McConkey, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2022), "Modelling of Flow-Induced Vibration of Bluff Bodies: A Comprehensive Survey with Emerging Trends", Energies, 15: 8719. 20. R. McConkey, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2022), "On the Generalizability of Machine-Learning-Assisted Anisotropy Mappings for Predictive Turbulence Modelling", International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics - Special Issue (Machine Learning in CFD), 36: 555-577. 21. G. Abdalrahman, M. Daoud, W. Melek, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2022), "Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Blade Pitch Control System and Stability Analysis for a Small Darrieus Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine", Energies, 15: 235. 22. J. Wang, T. Fu, L. Zeng, F.S. Lien (2022), "Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Tube with Punched Winglets", International Journal of Thermal Science. 177: 107542. 23. Z. Cheng, F.S. Lien, E. Dowell, R. Wang, J.H. Zhang (2022), "Data-Driven Stability Analysis via the Superposition of Reduced-Order Models for the Flutter of Circular Cylinder Submerged in Three-Dimensional Spanwise Shear Inflow at Subcritical Reynolds Number", Physics of Fluids, 34: 123606. 24. R. McConkey, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2022), "Deep Structured Neural Networks for Turbulence Closure Modeling", Physics of Fluids, 34: 035110. 25. Z. Cheng, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, J.H. Zhang (2022), "Mode Transformation and Interaction in Vortex-induced Vibration of Laminar Flow Past a Circular Cylinder", Physics of Fluids, 34: 033607. 26. Z. Cheng, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, H. Meng (2022), "A Unified Framework for Aeroacoustics Simulation of Wind Turbines", Renewable Energy, 188: 299-319. 27. G. Chen, X.F. Liang, X.B. Li, D. Zhou, F.S. Lien, J. Wang (2021), "Dynamic Analysis of the Effect of Platoon Configuration on Train Aerodynamic Performance", Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 211: 104564. 28. J. Chen, D.L. Feng, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, S.X. Deng, F. Gao, C. Peng (2021), "Numerical Modelling of Interaction Between Aluminum Structure and Explosion in Soil", Applied Mathematical Modelling. 99: 760-784. 29. G. Chen, X.F. Liang, D. Zhou, X.B. Li, F.S. Lien (2021), "Numerical Study of Flow and Noise Predictions for Tandem Cylinders Using Incompressible Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation Combined with Acoustic Perturbation Equations", Ocean Engineering, 224: 108740. 30. K. Noah, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2021), "Large-Eddy Simulation of Subsonic Turbulent Jets Using the Compressible Lattice Boltzmann Method", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 93: 927-952. 31. R. McConkey, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2021), "A Curated Dataset for Data-Driven Turbulence Modelling", Scientific Data, 8: 255. 32. J. Chen, D.L. Feng, S.X. Deng, C. Peng, F.S. Lien (2020), "GPU-Accelerated Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling of Jet Formation and Penetration Capability of Shaped Charges", Journal of Fluids and Structures, 99: 103171. 33. J. Chen, F.S. Lien, C. Peng, E. Yee (2020), "GPU-Accelerated Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling of Granular Flow", Powder Technology, 359: 94-106. 34. Z. Wang, Y. Hu, S. Chen, L. Zhou, W. Xu, F.S. Lien (2020), "Investigation of Self-Excited Oscillation Chamber Cavitation Effect with Special Emphasis on Wall Shape", Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. 44: 244-255. 35. H. Meng, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, J. Shen (2020), "Modelling of Anisotropic Beam for Rotating Composite Wind Turbine Blade by Using Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Method", Renewable Energy, 162: 2361-2379. 36. H. Meng, F.S. Lien, G. Glinka, P. Geiger (2019), "Study on Fatigue Life of Bend-Twist Coupling Wind Turbine Blade Based on Anisotropic Beam Model and Stress-Based Fatigue Analysis Method", Composite Structures, 208: 678-701. 37. J. Zhang, D. Infield, J. Yan, Y. Liu, F.S. Lien (2019), "Short Term Forecasting and Uncertainty Analysis of Wind Turbine Power Based on Long Short Term Memory Network and Gaussian Mixture Model", Applied Energy, 241: 229-244. 38. J. Chen, C. Peng, F.S. Lien (2019), "Simulations for Three-Dimensional Landmine Detonation Using the SPH Method", International Journal of Impact Engineering,126: 40-49. 39. H. Mo, F.S. Lien, F. Zhang, D.S. Cronin (2019), "A Mesoscale Study on Explosively Dispersed Granular Material Using Direct Simulation", Journal of Applied Physics, 125: 1-15. 40. J. Chen, C. Peng, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2019), "Simulations for the Explosion in a Water-Filled Tube Including Cavitation Using the SPH Method", Computational Particle Mechanics, 6: 515-527. 41. H. Meng, F.S. Lien, G. Glinka, L. Li, J. Zhang (2019), "Study on Wake-induced Fatigue on Wind Turbine Blade Based on Elastic Actuator Line Model and Two-dimensional Finite Element Model", Wind Engineering - Special issue on NAWEA Symposium 2017, 43: 64-82. 42. A. Abdul-kadhim, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2019), "GPGPU Implementation of a Lattice Boltzmann Methodology for Particle Transport and Deposition in in Complex Flow", International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 29: 2324-2351. 43. H. Meng, F.S. Lien, L. Li (2018), "Elastic Actuator Line Modelling for Wake-Induced Fatigue Analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade", Renewable Energy, 116: 423-437. 44. H. Mo, F.S. Lien, F. Zhang, D. Cronin (2018), "A Numerical Framework for the Direct Simulation of Dense Particulate Flow Under Explosive Dispersal", Shock Waves, 28: 559-577. 45. H. Mo, F.S. Lien, F. Zhang, D. Cronin, "An Immersed Boundary Method for Solving Compressible Flow with Arbitrarily Irregular and Moving Geometry", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 88: 239-263. 46. J. Chen, F.S. Lien (2018), "Simulations for Soil Explosion and Its Effects on Structures Using SPH Method", International Journal of Impact Engineering, 112: 41-51. 47. Q. Zeng, N. Aydemir, F.S. Lien, T. Xu (2017), "Extension of High-Resolution AUSM-Family Schemes for Use in Nuclear Safety Analysis Codes", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 93: 17-32. 48. P. Ma, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2017), "Computational Acoustic Beamforming for Noise Source Identification for Small Wind Turbines", International Scholarly Research Notices, 2017, ID: 7061391: 1-24. 49. G. Abdalrahman, W. Melek, F.S. Lien (2017), "Pitch Angle Control for a Small-scale Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Straight Blades (H-Type VAWT)", Renewable Energy, 114: 1353-1362. 50. P. Ma, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2017), "Coarse-resolution Numerical Prediction of Small Wind Turbine Noise with Validation Against Field Measurements", Renewable Energy, 102: 502-515. 51. J.W. Nam, F.S. Lien (2015), “Assessment of Ghost-Cell Based Cut-Cell Method for Large-Eddy Simulations of Compressible Flows at High Reynolds Number”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 53: 1-14. 52. Y. Koda and F.S. Lien (2015), “The Lattice Boltzmann Method Implemented on the GPU to Simulate the Turbulent Flow Over a Square Cylinder Confined in a Channel”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 94: 495-512. 53. Q.L. Zeng, N.U. Aydemir, F.S. Lien, T. Xu (2015), “Comparison of Implicit and Explicit AUSM-Family Schemes for Compressible Multiphase Flow”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 77: 43-61. 54. B.C. Wang, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2015), “Turbulent Dispersion of a Passive Scalar in a Staggered Array of Cubes”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 67: 281-301. 55. Z. Men, E. Yee, F.S. Lien, H. Ji and Y. Liu (2014), “Bootstrapped Multi-Model Neural-Network Super-Ensembles for Wind Speed and Power Forecasting”, Energy and Power Engineering, 6: 340-348. 56. Z. Men, E. Yee, F.S. Lien, Z. Yang, Y. Liu (2014), “Ensemble Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks for Short-Term Wind Speed and Power Forecasting”, International Scholarly Research Notices, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 972580, 16 pages, 10.1155/2014/972580. 57. Y. Huang, H. Ji, F.S. Lien, H. Tang (2014), “Numerical Study of Three-Dimensional Detonation Structure Transformations in a Narrow Square Tube: from Rectangular and Diagonal Modes into Spinning Modes”, Shock Waves, 24: 375-392. 58. J. Nam, F.S. Lien (2014), “A Ghost-Cell Immersed Boundary Method for Large-Eddy Simulations of Compressible Turbulent Flows”, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 28: 41-55. 59. T. Xu, F.S. Lien, H. Ji, F. Zhang (2013), “Formation of Particle Jetting in a Cylindrical Shock Tube”, Shock Waves, 23: 619-634. 60. K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2013), “Dense Gas Dispersion of CO2 Released from Carbon Capture and Storage Infrastructure into a Complex Environment”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 17: 127-139. 61. Y. Koda, F.S. Lien (2013), “Aerodynamic Effects of the Early Three-Dimensional Instabilities in the Flow Over One and Two Circular Cylinders in Tandem Predicted by the Lattice Boltzmann Method”, Computers & Fluids, 74: 32-43. 62. J. Jilesen, F.S. Lien (2012), “A Method for Coupling Free Molecular and Continuum Regime Methods in Order to Simulate Chemical Vapour Deposition”, Computers & Fluids, 59: 84-90. 63. R. Ripley, F. Zhang, F.S. Lien (2012), “Acceleration and Heating of Metal Particles in Condensed Matter Detonation”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 468: 1564-1590. 64. Y. Huang, H. Ji, F.S. Lien, H. Tang (2012), “Three-Dimensional Parallel Simulation of Formation of Spinning Detonation in a Narrow Square Tube”, Chinese Phys. Lett., 29, 114701 ( DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/29/11/114701). 65. J. Jilesen, J. Kuo, F.S. Lien (2012), “Three Dimensional Midpoint Displacement Algorithm for the Generation of Fractal Porous Media”, Computers and Geosciences, 46: 164-173. 66. H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2012), “Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Combined with Additive Multigrid for the Efficient Solution of the Poisson Equation”, ISRN Applied Mathematics, Article ID 246491 (DOI: 10.5402/2012/246491). 67. J. Jilesen, H. Harrison, F.S. Lien, D. McCumber (2010), “Application of a Flow Optimizer in a Limited Space to Increase Series Fan Performance”, Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging, 7: 181-188. 68. A. Keats, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2010), “Information-driven Receptor Placement for Contaminant Source Determination”, Environmental Modelling & Software, 25: 1000-1013. 69. A. Scott, F.S. Lien (2010), “A Derivation of the NS-alpha Model and Preliminary Application to Plane Channel Flow”, Journal of Turbulence, 11, N. 31 (pp. 1-16). 70. H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2010), “A New Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data Structure with an Application to Detonation”, Journal of Computational Physics, 229: 8981-8993. 71. H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2010), “Numerical Simulation of Detonation Using an Adaptive Cartesian Cut-Cell Method Combined with a Cell-Merging Technique”, Computers & Fluids, 39: 1041-1057. 72. B.C. Wang, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2010), “Prediction of Second-Order Concentration Statistics for Dispersing Plumes in Obstacle Arrays”, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics – an International Journal, 10: 252-262. 73. J. Jilesen, F.S. Lien (2010), “Comparison of Coupling Methods for Linking Between Reactor and Feature Scales”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 16: 65-71. 74. A. Scott, F.S. Lien (2010), “Application of the NS-a Model to a Recirculating Flow”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 84: 167-192. 75. K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2010), “Towards a Unified Turbulence Simulation Approach for Wall-Bounded Flows”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 84: 193-218. 76. F.S. Lien, H. Ji, E. Yee, B. Kournikakis (2010), “Prediction of Aerosol Hazard Arising from the Opening of an Anthrax Letter in an Open-Office Environment Using Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Journal of Engineering of Science and Technology, 5: 302-331. 77. F.S. Lien, H. Liu, E. Chui, C.J. McCartney (2009), “Development of an Analytical beta-function pdf Integration Algorithm for Simulation of Non-premixed Turbulent Combustion”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 83: 205-226. 78. E. Yee, B.C. Wang, F.S. Lien (2009), “Probabilistic Model for Concentration Fluctuations in Compact-Source Plumes in an Urban Environment”, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 130: 169-208. 79. A. Keats, M.T. Cheng, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2009), “Bayesian Treatment of a Chemical Mass Balance Receptor Model with Multiplicative Error Structure”, Atmospheric Environment, 43: 510-519. 80. J. Jilesen, F.S. Lien (2009), “Planar Source Line-of-Sight Model with Automatically Adjusting Time Increment and Local Sticking Factors”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 15: 242-249. 81. J. Hines, G.P. Thompson, F.S. Lien (2009), “A Turbulent Flow Over a Square Cylinder with Prescribed and Autonomous Motions”, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 3: 573-586. 82. B.C. Wang, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2009), “Numerical Study of Dispersing Pollutant Clouds in a Build-up Environment”, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 30: 3-19. 83. H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2008), “A Robust and Efficient Hybrid Cut-Cell/Ghost-Cell Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Moving Boundaries on Irregular Domains”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 198: 432-4 84. W. Jang, J. Jilesen, F.S. Lien, H. Ji (2008), “A Study on the Extension of a VOF/PLIC Based method to a Curvilinear Co-orinate System”, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 22: 241-257. 85. E. Yee, F.S. Lien, A. Keats, R. D’Armours (2008), “Bayesian Inversion of Concentration Data: Source Reconstruction in the Adjoint Representation of Atmospheric Diffusion”, Special Issue of Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 96: 1805-1816 86. F.S. Lien, E. Yee, H. Ji, K.J. Hsieh (2008) “Partially Resolved Numerical Simulation and RANS Modeling of Flow and Passive Scalar Transport in an Urban Environment”, Special Issue of Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 96: 1832-1842. 87. H. Ahn, F.S. Lien, J. Larsson, J. Hines (2007), “Simulation of Aeroacoustics Resonance in a Deep Cavity with Grazing Flow Using a Pressure-Based Solver”, Special Issue of International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 22: 39-47. 88. A. Keats, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2007), “Efficiently Characterizing the Origin and Decay Rate of a Non-conservative Scalar Using Probability Theory”, Ecological Modeling, 205: 437-452. 89. J. Larsson, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2006), “Feedback-Controlled Forcing in Hybrid LES/RANS”, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 20: 687-699. 90. K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2007), “Numerical Modelling of Scalar Dispersion in an Urban Canopy”, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 95: 1611-1636. 91. J. Larsson, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2007), “The Artificial Buffer Layer and the Effect of Forcing in Hybrid LES/RANS”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid, 28: 1443-1459. 92. A. Keats, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2007), “Reply to the ‘Comments on: ‘Bayesian Inference for Source Determination with Applications to a Complex Urban Environment’”, Atmospheric Environment, 41: 5547-5551. 93. A. Keats, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2007), “Bayesian Inference for Source Determination with Applications to a Complex Urban Environment”, Atmospheric Environment, 41: 465-479. 94. H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2006), “An Efficient Second-Order Accurate Cut-Cell Method for Solving the Variable Coefficient Poisson Equation with Jump Conditions on Irregular Domains”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 52: 723-748. 95. F.S. Lien, E. Yee, H. Ji, A. Keats, K.J. Hsieh (2006), “Progress and Challenges in the Development of Physically-Based Numerical Models for Prediction of Flow and Contaminant Dispersion in the Urban Environment”, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 20: 323-337. 96. J. Jilesen, F.S. Lien and H. Ahn (2006), “Investigation of Increased Performance of Close Series Stacked Tube Axial Fans Due to Inclusion of Diffuser Element”, Microelectronics Reliability, 46: 984-993. 97. R.C. Ripley, F.S. Lien, M.M. Yovanovich (2006), “Numerical Simulation of Shock Diffraction on Unstructured Grid”, Computers & Fluids, 35: 1420-1431 98. F.E. Ham, F.S. Lien, A.B. Strong (2005), “Multiple Semi-Coarsened Multigrid Method with Application to Large Eddy Simulation”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 50: 579-596. 99. K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien (2005), “Conjugate Turbulent Forced Convection in a Channel with an Array of Ribs”, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 15: 462-482. 100. J. Larsson, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2005), “Highly Parallel Multigrid Algorithm for the Poisson Equation on Anisotropic Grids With Application to Large Eddy Simulation”, Journal of Computational Physics, 28: 368-383. 101. F.S. Lien, E. Yee, J.D. Wilson (2005), “Numerical Modelling of the Turbulent Flow Developing Within and Over a 3-D Building Array, Part II: Mathematical Formulation for a Distributed Drag Force Approach”, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 114: 245-285. 102. F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2005), “Numerical Modelling of the Turbulent Flow Developing Within and Over a 3-D Building Array, Part III: A Distributed Drag Force Approach, Its Implementation and Application”, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 114: 287-313. 103. R.C. Ripley, F.S. Lien, M.M. Yovanovich (2004), “Adaptive Mesh Refinement of Supersonic Channel Flows on Unstructured Meshes”, Special Edition of International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 18: 189-198. 104. E.C. Chan, F.S. Lien (2004), “Permeability Effects of Turbulent Flow Through a Porous Insert in a Backward-Facing-Step Flow”, Journal of Transport in Porous Media, 59: 47-71. 105. B. Sharman, F.S. Lien, L. Davidson, C. Norberg (2004), “Numerical Predictions of Low Reynolds Number Flows Over Two Tandem Circular Cylinders”, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, 46: 1099-1125. 106. W.A. Keats, F.S. Lien (2004), “Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Cartesian Mesh Adaptation for the Compressible Euler Equations”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 46: 1099-1125 107. F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2004), “Numerical Modelling of the Turbulent Flow Developing Within and Over a 3-D Building Array, Part I: Application of a High-Resolution Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Approach”, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 112: 427-466. 108. K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien (2004), “Numerical Modelling of Buoyancy-Driven Turbulent Flows in Enclosures”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 25: 659-670. 109. F.S. Lien, E. Yee, Y. Cheng (2004), “Numerical Simulation of the Mean Flow and Turbulence Over a 2-D Building Array Using High-Resolution Computational Fluid Dynamics and a Drag Force Approach”, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodyanmics, 92, 117-158. 110. Y. Cheng, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, R. Sinclair (2003), “Comparison of LES and RANS for a Fully Developed Turbulent Flow Over a Matrix of Cubes”, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodyanmics, 91: 1301-1328. 111. F.E. Ham, F.S. Lien, A.B. Strong (2002), “A Fully Conservative Second-Order Fintie Difference Scheme for Incompressible Flow on Nonuniform Grids”, Journal of Computational Physics, 177: 117-133. 112. F.E. Ham, F.S. Lien, A.B. Strong (2002), “A Cartesian Grid Method with Transient Anisotropic Adaptation”, Journal of Computational Physics, 179: 469-494. 113. F.S. Lien, G. Kalitzin (2000), “Computations of the Transonic Bump Flow with the V2F Model and an All-Speed Pressure-Correction Scheme”, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 22: 53-61. 114. F.S. Lien (2000), “A Pressure-Based Unstructured-Grid Method for All-Speed Flows”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 33: 355-374. 115. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1999), “Computational Modelling of a Transitional 3D Turbine-Cascade Flow Using a Modified Low-Re k-e Model and a Multi-Block Scheme”, Int. J. of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 12: 1-15. 116. W.L. Chen, F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1998), “Non-Linear Eddy-Viscosity Modelling of Transitional Boundary Layers Pertinent to Turbomachine Aerodynamics”, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 19: 297-306 117. W.L. Chen, F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1998), “Computational Prediction of Flow around Highly-Loaded Compressor-Cascade Blades with Non-Linear Eddy-Viscosity Models”, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 19: 307-319. 118. D. Apsley, W.L. Chen and M.A. Leschziner, F.S. Lien (1997), “Non-Linear Eddy-Viscosity Modelling of Separated Flows”, J. Hydraulic Research (IAHR Special Issue), 35: 723-748. 119. W.L. Chen, F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1997), “Local Mesh Refinement Within a Multi-Block Structured-Grid Scheme for General Flows”, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 144: 327-369. 120. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1997), “Computational Modelling of Multiple Vortical Separation from Streamlined Body at High Incidence”, Aeronautical J., 101: 269-275. 121. F.S. Lien, W.L. Chen, M.A. Leschziner (1996), “A Multi-Block Implementation of Non-Orthogonal Collocated Finite-Volume Algorithm for Complex Turbulent Flows”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 23: 567-588. 122. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1996), “Second-Moment Closure for Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow Around and Within Complex Geometries”, Computers & Fluids, 25: 237-262. 123. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1995), “Modelling 2D Separation from High-Lift Aerofoil with Non-Linear Eddy-Viscosity Model and Second-Moment Closure”, Aeronautical J., 99: 125-144. 124. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1994), “Multigrid Acceleration for Turbulent Flow with a Non-Orthogonal, Collocated Scheme, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 118: 351-371. 125. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1994), “Upstream Monotonic Interpolation for Scalar Transport with Application in Complex Turbulent Flows”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 19: 527-548. 126. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1994), “Assessment of Turbulence-Transport Models Including Non-Linear RNG Eddy-Viscosity Formulation and Second-Moment Closure for Flow over a Backward-Facing Step”, Computers & Fluids, 23: 983-1004. 127. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1994), “A General Non-Orthogonal Collocated FV Algorithm for Turbulent Flow at all Speeds Incorporating Second-Moment Closure, Part 1: Computational Implementation”, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 114: 123-148. 128. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1994), “General Non-Orthogonal Collocated FV Algorithm for Turbulent Flow at all Speeds Incorporating Second-Moment Closure, Part 2: Applications”, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 114: 149-167. 129. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1993), “A Pressure-Velocity Solution Strategy for Compressible Flow and Its Application to Shock/Boundary-Layer Interaction Using Second-Moment Turbulence Closure”, ASME J. Fluid Engrg., 115: 717-725. 130. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1991), “Multigrid Convergence Acceleration for Complex Flow Including Turbulence”, Int. Series of Numerical Mathematics, 98: 277‑288. 131. F.S. Lien, T.M. Chen, C.K. Chen (1990), “Analysis of a Free‑Convection Micropolar Boundary Layer About a Horizontal Permeable Cylinder at a Non‑uniform Thermal Condition”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 112, p. 504-506. 132. J.Y. Yang, F.S. Lien, C.A. Hsu (1990), “Non‑Oscillating Shock‑Capturing Finite Element Methods for the One‑Dimensional Compressible Euler Equations”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 11: 405-426. 133. F.S. Lien, C.K. Chen (1987), “Mixed Convection of Micropolar Boundary Layer About a Permeable Sphere”, Int. J. Engineering Science, 25: 775-784. 134. F.S. Lien, C.K. Chen (1986), “Effects of Microstructure on the Conjugated Mixed Forced and Free Convection‑Conduction Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Vertical Plate Fin”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 108: 580-584. 135. F.S. Lien, C.K. Chen (1986), “Analysis of Natural Convection Flow of Micropolar Fluid About a Sphere With Blowing and Suction”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 108: 967-970. 136. F.S. Lien, C.K. Chen (1986), “Analysis of Forced Convection Micropolar Boundary Layer About a Sphere With Blowing and Suction”, Int. J. Engineering Science, 24: 991-999. 137. F.S. Lien, C.K. Chen, J.W. Cleaver (1986), “Heat Transfer Due to Axial Turbulent Flow Along a Circular Rod”, AIAA J., 24: 186-188. 138. F.S. Lien, C.K. Chen, J.W. Cleaver (1986), “Mixed and Free Convection Over a Rotating Sphere With Blowing and Suction”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 108: 398-404. 139. F.S. Lien, C.K. Chen, J.W. Cleaver (1985), “Forced Convection Over Rotating Bodies With Blowing and Suction”, AIAA J., 24: 854-856. 140. F.S. Lien, C.K. Chen, J.W. Cleaver (1985), “Radiative Effect on the Conjugated Forced Convection‑Conduction Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Plate Fin”, AIAA J., 23: 1645-1647. 141. F.S. Lien, C.K. Chen and Y.M. Chang (1985), “Effects of Free Convection and Mass Transfer on the Flow Past an Impulsively Moving Infinite Vertical Circular Cylinder”, Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, 12: 127-137. 142. F.S. Lien, C.Y. Wu, C.K. Chen (1985), “Effects of Convection Heat and Mass Transfer on the Flow About an Oscillating Vertical Plate Under Magnetic Field”, Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, 12: 587-596.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings
    R. McConkey, A. Mole, A. Skillen, A. Revell, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2023), "Machine Learning Augmented Turbulence Modelling for Massively Separated Three-Dimensional Flows", 22nd Computational Fluids Conference (CFC2023 CANNES), 25-28 April 2023, Cannes, France. R. McConkey, A. Mole, A. Skillen, A. Revell, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2023), "XGBoost-Augmented RANS Closure Modelling of Complex 3D Flows", Workshop in Data-Driven Methods, Machine Learning and Optimization in Fluid Mechanics, 30-31 March 2023, Leeds, United Kingdom. Y. Xing, F.S. Lien, W. Melek, E. Yee (2022), "Development of a Multi-Hour Ahead Wind Power Forecasting System", 30th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFDSC2022), 8-9 August 2022, Online, Canada. Y. Wu, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2022), "Flow-Induced Vibration of Cylinder-Plate Appendage at Low Reynolds Number", 30th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFDSC2022), 8-9 August 2022, Online, Canada. H.H. Huang, E. Yee, F.S. Lien, A. Wong (2022), "A Machine-Learning Based Information Fusion to Support Bioaerosol Hazards Trigger Detection Using Data from a CFD-Based Simulation Environment", 30th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFDSC2022), 8-9 August 2022, Online, Canada. F.S. Lien, H. Mo, J. Chen (2018), "CFD Modeling of Multiphase Compressible Flows", 2nd Chinese International Conference on CFD, 17-21 July 2018, Mianyang, China. H. Mo, F.S. Lien, F. Zhang, D. Cronin (2018), "A Mesoscale Study on Explosively Dispersed Granular Materials", 16th International Detonation Symposium, 15-20 July 2018, Cambridge, Maryland, USA. K. Noah, F.S. Lien (2018), "CLBM-LES for Turbulent Jet Flow Simulations", ICCFSM 2018: 20th International Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 21-22 June 2018, Toronto, Canada. A. Abdul-kadhim, F.S. Lien (2018), "Particles Transport and Deposition Prediction Through a Turbulent Impinging Jet Using the Lattice Boltzmann and the Discrete Element Methods", 26th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 10-12 June 2018, Winnipeg, Canada. H. Meng, F.S. Lien, G. Glinka, L. Li, J. Zhang, "Study on Wake-Induced Fatigue on Wind Turbine Blade Based on Elastic Actuator Line Model and Two Dimensional Finite Element Model" (2017), NAWEA 2017 Symposium, 26-29 September 2017, Ames, Iowa, USA. G. Abdalrahman, F.S. Lien, W. Melek (2017), "Effects of Blade Pitch Angle on Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Small-Scale Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Straight Blades (H-type VAWT)", 25th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 18-20 June 2017, Windsor, Canada. C. Li, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, M. Dong (2015), “Multiphase Flow Simulations of Poppet Valve Noise and Vibration”, Proc. SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition, 21-23 April 2015, Detroit, Michigan. P. Ma, M. Li, J. Jilesen, F.S. Lien, E. Yee, H. Harrison (2014), “A Comparison of Coarse-Resolution Numerical Simulation with Experimental Measurements of Wind Turbine Aerodynamic Performance”, Proc. 1th International Conference on Mechanics, 8-9 November 2014, Hsinchu, Taiwan (Invited Paper), accepted for publication in Procedia Engineering. T. Xu, F.S. Lien, F. Zhang (2013), “Particle Clustering and Jetting in a Cylindrical Shock Tube”, Proc. 24th ICDERS (International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems) Conference, 28-August 2 July 2013, Taipei, Taiwan. B.C. Wang, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2011), “Study of Turbulent Dispersion of Pollutant Plumes in a Staggered Array of Obstacles”, Proc. 7th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 28-31 July 2011, Ottawa, Canada. F.S. Lien, T. Xu, F. Zhang (2011), “The Role of Vorticity and Turbulence on the Instability of a Dense Solid Particle Flow”, Proc. 17th APS (American Physical Society) Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, 26 June-1 July 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA. P. Bourgouin, N. Benbouta, N. Ek, J.P. Gauthier, N. Gauthier, R. Hogue, M. Holly, G. Mercier, S. Trudel, C. Zaganescu, S. Belair, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2010), “The Canadian Urban Dispersion Modelling (CUDM) System: Prototype Evaluation Over Vancouver 2010”, Proc. 31th NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application, 27 September-1 October 2010, Torino, Italy. K.J. Hsieh, H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2010), “Development of a Fast Physically-based Urban Wind Flow and Dispersion Model for Emergency Response Applications”, Proc. 13th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 1-4 June 2010, Paris, France. B.C. Wang, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2009), “Numerical Modeling of Concentration Fluctuations for Pollutant Dispersion in an Urban Area”, Proc. 6th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 18-21 May 2009, Guangzhou, China. B.C. Wang, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2009), “Modeling Concentration Fluctuations from a Localized Source in Complex Urban Turbulent Flow”, Proc. 6th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 22-24 June 2009, Seoul, Korea. R. Hogue, N. Benbouta, S. Belair, J. Mailhot, E. Yee, F.S. Lien, J.D. Wilson (2009), “The Development of a Prototype of a Canadian Urban Flow and Dispersion Modeling System”, Proc. 8th Symposium on Urban Environment (the 89th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting), 10-15 January 2009, Phoenix, USA. T. Xu, H. Ji, F.S. Lien, F. Zhang (2009), “Drag-Force in Supersonic Dense Gas-Solid Flow”, Proc. 27th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 19-24 July 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia. T. Xu, H. Ji, F.S. Lien, F. Zhang (2009), “Numerical Simulations with an Immersed Boundary Method Pertinent to Multiphase Turbulent Flows”, Proc. 17th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 3-5 May 2009, Ottawa, Canada. B.C. Wang, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2008), “Experimental and Numerical Study of Contaminant Dispersion Through and Over an Array of Cubic Obstacles”, Proc. 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurement, 4-6 June 2008, Limassol, Cyprus. A. Scott and F.S. Lien (2008), “Investigation of an Anisotropic NS-alpha Model for Wall-Bounded Flows”, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. On Computational Fluid Dynamics, 7-11 July 2008, Seoul, Korea. H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2008), “A New Cartesian Grid Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Degenerate Cut Cells on Moving Boundaries”, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. On Computational Fluid Dynamics, 7-11 July 2008, Seoul, Korea C.J. McCartney, F.S. Lien (2007), “Development of a Genetic Algorithm-Based Solution Algorithm for 1-D Convection-Diffusion Analyses”, Proc. 15th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 27-31 May 2007, Toronto, Canada. J. Jilesen, F.S. Lien (2007), “The Use of Local Sticking Coefficients in the Simulation of Low Pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition”, Proc. 15th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 27-31 May 2007, Toronto, Canada. K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien, Eugene Yee (2007), “Partially Resolved Numerical Simulation for Complex Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows”, Proc. 15th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 27-31 May 2007, Toronto, Canada. B.C. Wang, E. Yee, F.S. Lien (2007), “Study of Turbulent Passive Scalar Dispersion within a Regular Array of Obstacles”, Proc. 5th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 27-29 August 2007, Munich, Germany. R.C. Ripley, F. Zhang, F.S. Lien (2007), “Detonation Propagation in Condensed Explosives with Metal Particles”, Proc. 15th APS Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, 24-29 June 2007, Kohala Coast, Hawaii. F.S. Lien, H. Ji, E. Yee (2007), “Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Aerosol Hazard Arising from the Opening of an Anthrax-Tainted Letter in an Open-Office Complex”, Proc. 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, 15-19 August 2007, Shanghai, China. J. Jilesen, H. Harrison, F.S. Lien (2006), “Multiple High Performance Dual Redundant or DR Fan Modules Optimized for 1U Server Processor Upgrade Program”, Proc. ITherm 2006, 30 May-2 June 2006, San Diego, California, USA. R. Ripley, F. Zhang, F.S. Lien (2006), “Detonation Interaction with Metal Particles in Heterogeneous Explosives”, Proc. 13th International Detonation Symposium, 23 July-28 August 2006, Norfolk, Virginia, USA. H. Ahn, F.S. Lien, J. Larsson (2006), “Simulation of Aeroacoustic Resonance in a Deep Cavity with Grazing Flow”, Proc. 14th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 16-18 July 2006, Kingston, Canada. A. Keats, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2006), “Source Determination in Built-Up Environments Through Bayesian Inference With Validation Using the MUST Array and Joint Urban 2003 Tracer Experiments”, Proc. 14th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 16-18 July 2006, Kingston, Canada. H. Ji, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2006), “Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Combined With Multigrid for a Poisson Equation”, Proc. 14th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 16-18 July 2006, Kingston, Canada. J. Larsson, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2006), “Additional Forcing at the Interface in Hybrid LES/RANS”, Proc. 14th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, 16-18 July 2006, Kingston, Canada. E. Yee, A. Keats, K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien, R. D’Amours (2006), “Validation of Bayesian Inference for Emission Source Distribution Retrieval Using the Joint Urban 2003 and European Tracer Experiments”, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, 16-19 July 2006, Yokohama, Japan. F.S. Lien, E. Yee, H. Ji (2006), “Modeling Wind Flow and Turbulence in Oklahoma City”, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, 16-19 July 2006, Yokohama, Japan. R. Ripley, F. Zhang, F.S. Lien (2005), “Shock Interaction of Metal Particles in Condensed Explosive Detonation”, Proc. 14th APS Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, 31 July 5-August 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. H. Ji, F.S. Lien, A.B. Strong (2005), “Large Eddy Simulation of Free Surface Flow”, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 27-29 June 2005, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. F.S. Lien, E. Yee, H. Ji, A. Keats, K.J. Hsieh (2005), “Development of a High-Fidelity Numerical Model for Hazard Prediction in the Urban Environment”, Proc. 13th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 31 July-3 August, 2005, St. John’s, Canada. W. Jang, F.S. Lien, H. Ji (2005), “Tracking Fluid Interfaces on a Non-Orthogonal Grid”, Proc. 13th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 31 July-3 August 2005, St. John’s, Canada. J. Larsson, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2005), “Large Eddy Simulation of High-Reynolds-Number Channel Flow on Coarse Grids”, Proc. 13th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 31 July-3 August 2005, St. John’s, Canada. J. Larsson, F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2005), “Parallel Multigrid Algorithm with Conditional Semi-Coarsening for Fractional-Step Type Solvers”, Proc. 13th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 31 July-3 August 2005, St. John’s, Canada. H. Liu, F.S. Lien, E. Chui (2005), “A Robust, Efficient and Accurate b-pdf Integration Algorithm in Nonpremixed Turbulent Combustion”, Proc. 13th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 31 July-3 August 2005, St. John’s, Canada. G. Thmopson, F.S. Lien (2005), “A Turbulent Flow Over a Square Cylinder with Prescribed and Autonomous Motions”, Proc. 13th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 31 July-3 August 2005, St. John’s, Canada. W.A. Keats, F.S. Lien (2004), “Cartesian Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Compressible Flow”, Proc. 12th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 9-11 May 2004, Ottawa, Canada. F.S. Lien, E. Yee (2003), “Modelling Wind Flow and Turbulence Through a Large Regular Array of 3-D Buildings Using a Distributed Drag-Force Approach”, Proc. 5th International Conference on Urban Climate, 1-5 September 2003, Lodz, Poland. F.S. Lien, J. Jilesen, H. Harrison (2003), “High Performance Dual Redudant (DR) Fan Modules – Installing a Diffuser Element to Optimize the Series Fan Configuration”, Proc. 36th International Symposium on Microelectronics, 16-20 November 2003, Boston, USA. R.C. Ripley, D.R. Whitehouse, F.S. Lien (2003), “Effect of Mesh Topology on Shock Wave Loading Computations”, Proc. 11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 28-30 May 2003, Vancouver, Canada. K.J. Hsieh, F.S. Lien (2002), “Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Natural Convection in a Tall Cavity”, Proc. 10th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 9-11 June 2002, Windsor, Canada. R.C. Ripley, F.S. Lien, M.M. Yovanovich (2002), “Isotropic Mesh Adaption of Supersonic Channel Flows on Unstructured Meshes”, Proc. 10th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 9-11 June 2002, Windsor, Canada. Y. Cheng, F.S. Lien, R. Sinclair (2002), “Large Eddy Simulation of Fully Developed Turbulent Flow Over a Matrix of Cubes”, Proc. 10th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 9-11 June 2002, Windsor, Canada. F.E. Ham, F.S. Lien, A.B. Strong (2001), “A New Method for Direct Numerical Simulation that Discretely Conserves Mass, Momentum and Energy”, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 27-29 June 2001, Stockholm, Sweden. F.E. Ham, F.S. Lien (2001), “LES and Unsteady RANS of Boundary Layer Transition Induced by Periodically Passing Wakes”, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 27-29 June 2001, Stockholm, Sweden. F.E. Ham, F.S. Lien, A.B. Strong (2001), “The Immersed Boundary Method on Cartesian Meshes with Transient Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation”, Proc. 9th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 27-29 May 2001, Waterloo, Canada. H. Ji, F.S. Lien, A.B. Strong (2001), “A Numerical Method for Solving Three-Dimensional Free Surface Flows”, Proc. 9th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 27-29 May 2001, Waterloo, Canada. F.E. Ham, F.S. Lien, X. Wu, M. Wang, P.A. Durbin (2000), “LES and Unsteady RANS of Boundary Layer Transition Induced by Periodically Passing Wakes”, Proc. 2000 Summer Programme, Centre for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, USA. E.C. Chan, F.S. Lien, M.M. Yovanovich (2000), “Numerical Study of Forced Flow in a Back-Step Channel Through Porous Layer”, Proc. of NTHC'00 34th ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, 20-22 August 2000, Pittsburgh, USA. E.C. Chan, F.S. Lien, M.M. Yovanovich (2000), “Non-Darcian Laminar Natural Convection in a Vertical Flow”, Proc. 8th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 11-13 June 2000, Montreal, Canada. J. Gromadzki, F.S. Lien (2000), “Numerical Study of Viscoelastic Flow Using the Finite Volume Method”, Proc. 8th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Montreal, 11-13 June 2000, Montreal, Canada. F.E. Ham, F.S. Lien, A.B. Strong (2000), “Large-Eddy Simulation of the Square Duct Flow Using a Parallel PC Cluster”, Proc. 8th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 11-13 June 2000, Montreal, Canada. F.S. Lien (1999), “Modelling Turbulent Shock/Boundary-Layer Interaction using V2F Model”, Proc. 7th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 30 May-1 June 1999, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. F.E. Ham, F.S. Lien, A.B. Strong (1999), “Efficient Direct Numerical Simulation using Multigrid with Dynamic Semi-Coarsening”, Proc. 7th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, May-1 June 1999, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. E.C. Chan, F.S. Lien, M.M. Yovanovich (1999), “Solving Microelectronic Cooling Problems with Graph Theoretic Field Models and Parabolic Boundary-Layer Analysis”, Proc. HKK Conference on Graph Theoretic and Entropy Methods in Engineering Analysis and Optimization, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. F.S. Lien, G. Kalitzin, P. A. Durbin (1998), “RANS Modelling for Compressible and Transitional Flows”, Proc. 1998 Summer Programme, Centre for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, USA. F.S. Lien (1998), “An All-Speed Unstructured-Grid Method Based on the Pressure-Correction Scheme”, Proc. 6th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 7-9 June 1998, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. A.M. Cobbin, P.K. Stanby, M.A. Leschziner, F.S. Lien (1998), “Modelling Oscillatory Flow Around a Cylinder Using a RANS Scheme”, ASME Paper OMAE 98-573. W.L. Chen, F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1997), “Computational Modelling of Highly-Loaded Compressor Cascade Flows”, Proc. 11th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, 8-10 September 1997, Grenoble, France. F.S. Lien, P.A. Durbin, S. Parneix (1997), “Non-Linear k-e-v2 Modelling with Application to Aerodynamic Flows”, Proc. 11th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, 8-10 September 1997, Grenoble, France. M.A. Leschziner, F.S. Lien (1997), “Computational Modelling of Turbulent Aerodynamic Flows within the ECARP Program using Anisotropy-Resolving Closures”, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg Braunschweig, 58: 279-290. M.A. Leschziner, F.S. Lien (1997), “Computation of Physically Complex Turbulent Flows on Parallel Computers with a Multiblock Algorithm”, Proc. Parallel CFD'97 Conference, 19-21 May 1997, Manchester, UK. F.S. Lien (1997), “High Performance Computing of Turbulent Flows with a Non-Linear k-e-v2 Model on the CRAY T3D using SHMEM and MPI”, Proc. Parallel CFD'97 Conference, 19-21 May 1997, Manchester, UK. W.L. Chen, M.A. Leschziner, F.S. Lien (1996), “Non-Linear Eddy-Viscosity Modelling for Transitional Flows Pertaining to Cascades Operating in Off-Design Conditions”, IMechE Paper: S461/002/96. M.A. Leschziner, F.S. Lien, N. Ince, C.A. Lin (1996), “Computational Modelling of Complex 3D Flows with Second-Moment Closure Coupled to Low-Re Near-Wall Models”, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg Braunschweig, 53:144-153. F.S. Lien, W.L. Chen, M.A. Leschziner (1996), “Low Reynolds-Number Eddy-Viscosity Modelling Based on Non-Linear Stress-Strain/Vorticity Relations”, Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements 3, Elsevier, pp. 91-100. F.S. Lien, P. A. Durbin (1996), “Non-Linear k-e-v2 Modelling with Application to High-Lift”, Proc. 1996 Summer Programme, Centre for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, USA. P. Batten, F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1996), “A Positivity-Preserving Pressure-Correction Method”, Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, 24-28 June 1996, Monterey, California, USA. W.L. Chen, F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1995), “Computational Modelling of Cascade-Blade Flow with Linear and Non-Linear Low-Re Eddy-Viscosity Models”, Proc. AGARD PEP 85 Symp. on Loss Mechanism and Unsteady Flows in Turbomachinery, 8-12 May 1995, Derby, UK. M.A. Leschziner, F.S. Lien (1995), “Modelling Turbulent Transport in Complex Flows: Physical Challenges, Numerical Implementation and Predictive Performance”, Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics V, Oxford University Press, pp. 37-53. F.S. Lien, W.L. Chen, M.A. Leschziner (1995), “Computational Modelling of High-Lift Aerofoils with Turbulence-Transport Models”, Proc. CEAS European Forum High Lift & Separation Control, 29-31 March 1995, Bath, UK. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1994), “Modelling the Flow in a Transition Duct with a Non-Orthogonal FV Procedure and Low-Re Turbulence-Transport Models”, ASME FED, Nevada, USA,196: 93-106. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1993), “Modelling 2D and 3D Separation from Curved Surfaces with Variants of Second-Moment Closure Combined with Low-Re Near-Wall Formulations”, Proc. 9th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, 16-18 August 1993, Kyoto, Japan. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1993), “Approximation of Turbulence Convection with a TVD Scheme”, Proc. 5th Int. Sym. on Refined Flow Modelling and Turbulence Measurements, 7-10 September 1993, Paris, France. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1993), “Computational Modelling of 3D Turbulent Flow in S-Diffuser and Transition Ducts”, Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements 2, Elsevier, pp. 217-228. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1992), “Modelling Shock/Turbulent-Boundary-Layer Interaction with Second-Moment Closure Within a Pressure-Velocity Strategy”, Lecture Notes in Physics, 414: 175-179.
  • Chapters in Books
    F.S. Lien, E. Yee, B.C. Wang, H. Ji (2009), “Grand Computational Challenges for Prediction of the Turbulent Wind Flow and Contaminant Transport and Dispersion in the Complex Urban Environment”, Atmospheric Turbulence, Meteorological Modeling and Aerodynamics, P.R. Lang and F.S. Lombargo (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers. M.A. Leschziner, F.S. Lien (2001), “Numerical Aspects of Applying Second-Moment Closure to Complex Flows”, Closure Strategies for and Simulation of Turbulent Flows (B.E. Launder and N. Sandham, eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 153-187. F.S. Lien (1996), “High Performance Computing of Turbulent Flows”, ERCOFTAC Course on High Performance Computing in Fluid Dynamics, Delft, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 201-236. F.S. Lien, M.A. Leschziner (1992), “Second‑Moment Modelling of Recirculating Flow With a Non‑Orthogonal Collocated Finite‑Volume Algorithm”, Turbulent Shear Flows 8, Springer‑Verlag, pp. 205‑222.

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